Associazione Violinistica Italiana

Books &
trad & folk



Records & Books about Northern Italian fiddle

archive roots & living traditions - CD

Compagnia Sonadùr di Ponte Caffaro

The wonderful tunes of the Ponte Caffaro carnival, recorded live in 1993. Fiddles, three-stringed bass and guitars. 30 tunes; 32 pages booklet (Italian, English and French languages)

CD - edited by B.Falconi, G.Grasso, A.Citelli

Canti e musiche popolari dell'appennino pavese

Songs and dances collected on the field in the Pavia mountains. 3 short fiddle tunes among others

CD - edited by A.Citelli e G.Grasso AcB

folk music - CD

Compagnia Strumentale Tre Violini


A real exiciting sample of Northern Italian fiddle repertories performed by the typical traditional string band line-up: fiddles, three-stringed bass and guitar (Italian and English notes)

Compagnia Strumentale Tre Violini

Il Ballo dei Pazzi

Italian fiddle tunes from unpublished manuscripts and printed sources from XVIIth to XIXth century, re-arranged by the band (Italian, English and French notes)

Maurizio Padovan

Le danze di Juzep da 'Rous

The complete dance repertory of Juzep da 'Rous, the last great fiddler of the Occitan valleys in West Piedmont, solo performed by Maurizio Padovan

books & scores


Falconi - Grasso - Venier

How to play Italian Fiddle

The first Italian fiddle method.

The Northern Italian fiddle repertory is discussed through 40 musical scores, fingering and bowing technique, chords and rhythms, regional style and a little bit of history. (English language)

J.P. de Bousquier - M. Padovan

Juzep da 'Rous

The life and the tunes of Juzep da 'Rous, the last great fiddler of the Occitan valleys in West Piedmont. The complete scores with variations, bowing technique, styles and dance schemes (Italian language)

G. Grasso - A. Citelli

La tradizione violinistica nell'Oltrepo pavese

The history of the XXth century fiddle tradition in the hills south of Pavia. Twenty musical scores (Italian language)

G. Grasso - M. Padovan

L'Altro Violino

Violini e violinisti popolari in 100 anni di fotografia

The complete catalogue of the photo exhibithion L'ALTRO VIOLINO. A century of old and modern photographs of Italian fiddlers and fiddle groups. With historical notes. (Italian language)

G. Grasso - M. Padovan

Vecchi balli per violino di area lombarda

A sample of the great Archive of manuscript fiddle collections stored in the Cambonino Museum in Cremona.

The complete catalogue of tunes and more than 100 transcriptions of XVIIIth and XIXth century dances from both manuscripts of the Lombardy area and fiddle traditions of Caffaro Valley, Vigezzo Valley and Pavia hills. (Italian language)

Storie da suonatori

a cura di Daniele Richiedei

The musical tradition of the Bagolino and Ponte Caffaro carnival. Ancient documents, interwiews, ethnomusicology, lutherie and some tunes transcription; 216 pages (Italian languages). Available in any on-line bookstore (Amazon, IBS, Feltrinelli etc)

Book + CD - Liberedizioni

